Covid-19 Safety Plan
Here is a synopsis of our Safety plan and all the measures we are taking at Dr. Disc to ensure the prevention of Covid-19 and the health of our community!
COVID-19 safety plan – snapshot
This snapshot can be posted in a place where it can be seen easily so your workers, clients and other people entering the workplace will know what actions are being taken.
Business name: Dr. Disc Records
Date completed: Nov 29, 2020
Division/group: Retail music store
Revision date: N/A
Measures we’re taking
How we’re ensuring workers know how to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19
A daily review of the Windsor Essex County Healthy Unit Covid-19 updates page
Email updates to team members with latest on Dr. Disc's safety procedures
Team member emails and contact details are up to date and shared among team
Distribution of our Covid-19 safety plan, with a confirmation that team members have read and understood it.
Easy access to our safety plan in the store and its highlights shared on social media and website
We rigorously follow all the procedures under heading #3 of this plan: “How will you control the risk of transmission in your workplace?”
How we’re screening for COVID-19:
We've provided by email and print copy, each team member with the provincial Covid-19 screening tool sheet, which is to be completed before each shift or visit to Dr. Disc
With the onset of the Red-Control protocols, each team member is now required to email the store at or text the owner (Liam O’Donnell) that they have PASSED the screening BEFORE arriving to work
Should they not pass screening, they are advised to isolate at home, and take the Ministry’s online Covid-19 Assessment Tool and follow the subsequent recommendations, and share these recommendations with Dr. Disc.
Dr. Disc will notify the Windsor Essex County Health unit should a team member be diagnosed with Covid-19 and follow all their guidance.
How we’re controlling the risk of transmission in our workplace:
We have removed several shopping units/bins on the store floor-room so there is more space between shoppers, and in order to allow for physically distancing and ease of movement
We have modified our store layout so that pathways (and staircase) are not blocked and it remains easier to physically distance
We have a Maximum customer capacity of 10 for the entire store, and ensure compliance with mask usage before customers are permitted entry
Team members and customers are required to wear masks at all times (team members only can remove their masks in the stockroom)
No customers are permitted in the stockroom, which includes the bathroom.
We have posted the Covid Screening tool at the entrance of our store
We have installed 2 metre distancing stickers throughout the store and directional arrows
We have displayed WECHU Covid-19 signage in the front windows of our store, and easy to undertand posters (sanitizing, distancing, screening, handwashing etc) at the entrance and throughout the store.
We have enhanced our cleaning routines, with ready access to Clorox wipes, Lysol disinfectant spray, spray cleaners, and other cleaners for surfaces and floors.
We keep the volume of in-store music at lower conversational levels
We have customers wait in line respecting two meter distancing
We have installed HEPA/UVC air purifiers in constant operation during business hours on both floors of the store
We provide hand sanitizer at the store entrance, at the cash register, and in the stock room
We keep our front door locked during business hours. We ensure customers are properly wearing their masks before they are let in.
We provide disposable non-medical masks to customers and staff should they require one at the entrance of the store
We provide an optional faceshields to staff, should they wish to wear one, in conjunction with wearing a mandatory mask
We have posted to handwashing instruction signs (one in the staff bathroom and one at the staff sink). Both have ample liquid soap and paper towels
We offer curbside pick up as an accommodation for customers unable to wear a mask for any reason.
We have cancelled any events that would feature in-store singing or maskless activities since the beginning of the pandemic.
What we will do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at our workplace:
In the event of a potential case or possible exposure to Covid-19 at Dr. Disc, we will contact the Windsor Essex Health Unity immediately at 519-258-2146 and follow all their guidance
If a team member screens positive before they come to work, we will require for them to STAY HOME, and to take the provincial Covid-19 assessment, follow the subsequent advice and share the recommendations with us.
All team members will be notified immediately if there is a confirmed or suspected case, and it will be determined who might have been in close contact –and whether it is appropriate to self-isolate based on the recommendation of the Health Unit and the Province’s Covid Assessment Tool
We shall give written notice to Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development within four days, and if occupationally acquired, notify the WSIB within 3 days
How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our business:
We will check-in with team members to see how they are coping with new work practises. We will offer support, and ask them how we can assist them in any way
We solicit team member feedback and ideas about how we can make the workplace safer from Covid-19
We maintain regular email contact about protocols so that everyone is equally informed, and require a reply to essential emails, so we ensure knowledge of protocols
How we’re making sure our plan is working:
-This safety plan will be reviewed weekly, and/or whenever there is a local health update or recommendation provided by the WECHU or Ministry of Health
-As part of ongoing communications, all team members are encouraged to to provide input and ideas for making our workplace safer from Covid-19
-Liam O’Donnell, the proprietor of Dr. Disc is responsible for evaluating how things are working in concert with input from the store manager, Aimee Charette, along with feedback from the team and updates from WECHU and the Ministry of Health
Changes will be communicated in staff emails, and confirmation will be received that these emails have been read by all.